
Jackson County is a wonderful place to live, and we attempt to keep as many senior citizens as possible living well here in the county.  

Our programs include: 

Transportation Services

OATS (Older Americans Transportation Service) 

We provide transportation for older individuals to medical appointments, local meals, as well as shopping trips in or out of town.  With three vehicles in our fleet, we can accommodate most requests. There are regularly scheduled trips to Laramie and Steamboat each month as well.

The Senior Center

Established in 2010, our Senior Center has become a popular place for individuals to congregate.  We offer educational and entertaining programming.  We also accommodate support groups.  Volunteers work diligently to keep the Senior Center open Monday—Thursday from 9:00 AM—3:00 PM.  

Noon Meal

Our guests gather to share wonderful meals, socialize, and learn about any issues that may concern the older population of Jackson County. We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month (except Nov. and Dec. which meet only on the 2nd Thursday). Special meal celebrations occur for Valentines, Easter, Senior Awards, Thanksgiving, & Christmas. Door prizes are given out for birthdays along with beef certificates raffled from the Cattle Womens Assocation.

Activities and Services

  Potluck Meals Monthly



Senior Awards



  Van Trips

Medical & Doctor visits


Sporting Events

Black Hawk / Central City

Fall Foliage


  Senior Center

Games / Puzzles


Crafts - Sewing & Painting

Support Groups

  Fund Raisers

Harvest Craft Festival

Recycling Aluminum Cans



RAC (Regional Advisory Council)

Training / Seminars

  Fun and Educational


Health Fair

Water Aerobics